Colors of the Web screenshot

Colors of the Web

A data visualization we created in our spare time to showcase the colors used by the 10 most popular sites on the web.

(As of October 2014)

Pluto's Reveng screenshot

Pluto's Revenge

In this platformer game you take on the role of an astronaut from Pluto whose ship crashes on an alien planet. Explore the world, battle enemies, and gather parts to repair your ship.

*This game is still a work in progress. Check back for more levels!

It may not work in some versions of Internet Explorer.

Gridley Grid Generator screenshot

Gridley Grid Generator

A tool we built to help web designers generate custom CSS grid systems.

Real Time Code Grapher screenshot

Real Time Code Graphing

This information visualization helps people to understand how coding works. It writes out the code to draw a graph, using statistics on the code as data.

Personal Activity Tracker screenshot

Personal Activity Tracker

24 people recorded their time spent doing 12 activities over 24 hours. This data visualization allows you to explore the data in a fun, intuitive manner.

Rhythm screenshot

Typographic Timeline

An interactive timeline showing advances in typographic technology.

Chamber Music screenshot

Chamber Music Symphony

A poster I made for a school project in my typography class.

Mke it 100% screenshot

Make it 100%

A poster I designed in an attempt to encourage more college students to vote.